Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas Time is Here

It really is the most wonderful time of the year.

These were our excited faces on our way to pick out our tree.

We found just the right one.

The fresh cut makes the tree live longer.

This is how silly you look when you don't have a big truck for these sorts of things.

It didn't really fit through the door.

This was my view while I failed to hold the tree straight.

Singing to Christmas carols whilst hanging the ornaments.
Oooh. Aaaawww.
I don't remember why I was making this face.
Artistic Eric.

The final touch!



joshandkarlee said...

Beautiful tree! Glad it's real...great choice. Be expecting our Christmas tree blog post soon! Now tell me, will you be home at all between December 27th and January 3rd? Please say yes!

Cassie said...

i love you 2 and your tree!!!

question: since i am not getting a tree can i come over and enjoy yours?

nicolettebw said...

me likey

Lindsay said...

I forgot I changed the settings on our blog so that all comments have to be approved... This whole time I thought nobody left comments! Haha! To answer you questions: Karlee, Eric and I will be in Abq on those dates. Sorry! And Cassie, yes! Please live vicariously through us and enjoy our tree to your hearts' delight! and Nicolette, thanks! We like it too : ).